Stella Maris is a Catholic Parish Primary School committed to providing affordable, quality Catholic Education. Accordingly, fees and charges are determined by the School Board and Tasmanian Catholic Education Office in Hobart, keeping in mind both financial prudence and pastoral obligations. The School Board annually reviews the charges for Fees and Levies.
Schedule of Fees - 2025
Capital Levy $310.00 per family per year
Tuition Fees
Kindergarten - Grade 6 $2320.00 per student per year
Early Payment Discount Tuition Fees Only 5.00% - applied when tuition fees are paid in full before 28th February 2025.
Please note that there are a number of ways to make payment including cash, cheque, EFTPOS, credit card, direct debit, centrepay and BPAY. Payments can also be made through the Compass app.
3 Children in Catholic Schools 10% for each child
4 Children in Catholic Schools 20% for each child
5+ Children in Catholic Schools 30% for each child
Please contact the finance officer if you need further information relating to family discounts.
Families may experience financial difficulties at some time. No child will ever be denied a place due to the families financial situation. There are a number of options should you experience financial difficulties.
Please refer to our policies section for further financial information.